Friday, March 27, 2015

Courage's Pawsitively Grrrrrrreat Homemade Pawsicles For Dogs

Hello Readers!  Remember way back in this post I told you about how hot I get during the summer? Does your dog get really hot too? Well summer is almost here (I know, I know, its barely April, but I live in Texas, so believe me, it's almost summer!) and I wanted to share a recipe for my Pawsitively Great Homemade Pawsicles For Dogs. You can make these pawsicles after you and your family have eaten a roasted chicken.  Just be sure to have your parents save all the bones and skin and gristle from the chicken.  I know, I know, people are always saying NOT to give chicken bones to dogs, and I certainly don't recommend it, but you can use the chicken bones to make a healthy broth.  Then you freeze the broth and turn it into pawsicles that dogs love!  This is a great way for your dog to enjoy some nutritious chicken broth and a cool treat on a hot day.

 Morgan says to remind you to get your parents permission before you make this recipe.  It's also a good idea to get someone to help you remove the chicken bones from the broth so you can be sure nothing sharp accidentally gets in, but more of that in a minute.

First, here is what you will need:

One Slow Cooker - 6 Quarts or larger.

Two no-stick Silicone muffin trays (something like this)

Soup ladle

One chicken carcass (carcass = whatever is left after your family eats a whole, roasted chicken.  Ideally there will be bones and skin and little bits of meat still left, but this will work even if there are only bones).

Three large-ish carrots cut into small chunks.

Two large celery stalks also cut into small

One clove of garlic chopped

One potato cut into small cubes

One teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar  (optional)


OK, gather your ingredients.  Please get an adult to help you cut up the carrots celery and potato if you need to.  I personally do not cut up the ingredients myself.  Morgan does all the chopping work, I just supervise.  Put the chicken carcass and all the other ingredients into the slow cooker then add water, Use enough so that the chicken carcass is covered.  The more water you add the more pawsicles you can make, but the more water you add the weaker the pawsicles will taste.  Morgan usually adds about 4 cups of water to ours.  Turn the slow cooker on low and set a timer for 8 hours and let the broth cook.

Here is what the pawsicles look like before they go in the freezer.
Morgan has added small pieces of chicken meat and skin.  Just
be sure there are no bones!

After eight hours the broth is done (and the whole house will smell really good!).  Turn the slow cooker off and let the broth cool.  You may have to leave it over night.  Be sure the broth is cool before going on to the next step.  Now take the vegetable chunks (the carrots, potatoes and celery) out and distribute them evenly in the silicone muffin cups.  Next, use a ladle and scoop up  only the liquid, watch out for tiny bones, you don't want those in the pawsicles!  Pour the liquid broth into the muffin cups over the cooked veggie chunks. Cover the muffin pans with saran wrap, and freeze in your freezer until solid.  These pawsicles store frozen, for up to 6 months.   Once the pawsicles are solid you can serve them to your dog as a cool treat in the summer.  I recommend serving them outside./  I like to take mine into the yard to eat.  I have a favorite tree I like to lie under while I enjoy my yummy pawsicle.

I hope your dog likes these yummy (and healthy) treats as much as I do!

Yum!  I LOVE pawsicles!


  1. YUM, Teddy says! He would like to try these and have them with his friends for his First Birthday Party in May!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Great idea! J and D are drooling! I love the illustrations showing what I need and how it will look. I am a very visual learner, so this helps a lot.

  4. Thank you readers! I'm glad you liked this recipe post!

