Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Courage Reviews What Pet Should I Get?

Personally, I can't believe this is even a question.

Paw Rating = Three paws out of Five.

Level = Begining Reader.

Real Quick = A boy and his sister try to pick out just one pet to take home from the pet shop.

Dear Readers you and I know, there is only one answer to the question below.  "What pet should I get?"   A DOG!!! Its all set!

But the kids in this book are taking a look, for just one pet, out of many, and their choices are plenty!  Should they get a cat? No, not that!  A bird? How absurd, perhaps a fish is their wish?  Maybe something more exotic, like a Yent for their tent?

("Wait, what is a Yent," you ask?  

I was not sure myself, Readers, as I have never come upon a Yent in a pet shop or anywhere else.  In the picture it appeared to be a sort of large tiger.  Which seems to this reading dog, like a very bad idea for a pet, since a tiger, is basically a very large CAT!)

Choosing is hard, they just cant decide.  Whatever they choose the whole family must abide.

This new book from Doc Zeuss, explains learning to choose (see what I did there, Readers? "Zuess" and "Choose?" I am a clever dog, if I do say so myself.).  I liked the pictures, but at least for my blog,  it would have been better, if they'd have chosen A DOG!

* Readers, Morgan would like to point out that I, Courage The Reading Dog, may not be entirely impartial in this review.  She says that sometimes people have very good reasons for choosing another type of pet, like a lack of space, or allergies, or many other things.  Morgan says it is best if people take their time before deciding on a pet, and don't rush to make a decision like the family in this story does.  By the way, both myself and my sister, CRAZY Zoe, are adopted. Morgan and I would  like to point out that many pets are living in shelters, hoping every day that they find a family and a forever home.  We wish the book would have added a message about pet adoption at the end of the story.  

1 comment:

  1. Teddy does not understand this question either, but he does appreciate that he has a guinea pig friend and a fish friend to talk to:)
