Thursday, May 21, 2015

Courage Reviews Dragons Love Tacos

Apparently, Dragons love tacos as much as Dogs do!

Paw Rating = Five paws out of five.

Level = Medium/easy read.  Good for a read aloud bedtime story too.

Real Quick = Dragons love tacos, but complications arise when a bunch of dragons attend a spicy taco party.

Readers, I had no idea!!!  Until I read this very informative book by Adam Rubin, I had no idea dragons liked tacos as much as dogs do!  I also had no idea how to properly throw a taco party for dragons so that everyone has a good time and, most importantly, STAYS SAFE!  Fortunately, one of my Readers told me about this book, and I was able to educate myself!  Turns out dragons have some very specific dietary requirements.  Ignore them at your own risk!

The  watercolor illustrations by Daniel Salmieri are a lot of fun to look at so even if you can't read yet I think you will enjoy this funny, helpful book.  I highly recommend this one to everyone who loves their dragons!

PS (Morgan says you are not supposed to put "PS's" in book reviews but I'm just going to ignore her as usual) Dogs ALSO really love tacos and as far as I can tell, we like them fixed almost exactly the same way as dragons do.  So next time you're having a taco party, don't forget to invite your dog friends too!

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